About Acupuncture


Why acupuncture and what is it anyway?

Acupuncture is a form of medicine that is over two thousand years old. During an acupuncture treatment sterile needles about the size of a human hair are inserted into specific points on the body to stimulate, strengthen, and balance the energy flow of the body. Acupuncture can be effective for a wide range of health concerns, spanning from acute and chronic injuries, emotional difficulties, digestive disorders, sleep issues, and general stress and fatigue. Although Acupuncture can be effective for a wide array of health concerns, you don't have to have any issues to try it! Acupuncture is also very effective in helping to maintain internal balance and strengthen your immunity so that you don't get sick in the first place!

How does it work?

In a very general sense, Acupuncture works in its ability to correct and strengthen the ability of energy, or qi, to flow in the body. When this flow is inhibited and is blocked we experience pain, frustration, and illness. The body will naturally correct this imbalance on its own and it is actually very adept at doing so. That being said, although our bodies are well equipped to handle most of what life throws at us, sometimes we need a little help. Acupuncturists have been trained in the art of listening to the body through techniques such as pulse, channel, tongue, and abdominal diagnosis. We also take time to listen to what the patient tells us, because you are unequivocally the ultimate authority on yourself. In doing so we are able to ascertain where your energy is stuck and how to best assist your body in doing its job of moving pathology out.

How many treatments will I need?

This form of medicine requires a slight shift in perspective. Many of us have grown accustomed to looking at health as a one size fits all. In Chinese Medicine we look at each patient as a complex individual. The length of treatment necessary for a given condition depends on many factors including, the extent of the issue, how long you have had it, and your overall health. Sometimes people need just one treatment and sometimes they need many. Often times, people will initially come in with one complaint and as that resolves decide they want to work on other things as well, because it is amazing to actually feel good. We are committed to working with you, in partnership, to formulate your health goals and determine strategies in order to realize those goals.

Does it hurt?

The range of sensation experienced during a treatment varies from person to person. The initial sensation can range from painless to slightly uncomfortable, somewhat like a pinch. It is common for people to experience a heavy or throbbing sensation and deep relaxation. Rest assured, we are able to work with all comfort levels to achieve the best possible results.